Protecting Web Apps and Web API’s by the built in Authentication and authorization in Azure App Service is a great way to protect resources without adding code to handle the authorization. This means that the site or api is fully secure without the need of implementing it, which is a great example of seperation of concerns. Read more on how it works
What we then need is to access the API and in this case we need to be able to access the API via Management using service principals since the client using our API’s in API Management is outside our organization and should not be bothered by our internal security mechanisms.
The scenario: The API is protected by Azure AD and in order to access it we need to add a valid JWT token to the Auhtorization header in the request, first(1) we need to get the JWT token and then(2) add it in the request to the API App.
In this post we have used the standard generated API App from Visual Studio and published it to a Web API instances in Azure named Protected.
In the Azure Portal head to the API App and go in to the settings tab “Authentication/Authorization”. Enable the App Service Authentication by pressing the On button.
Now we can enable several diffrent providers and in this demo we will focus on the Azure Active Directory, press the Active Directory.
After chosing the Azure Active Directory, we are presented with 2 options to configure the Azure Active Directory setup. Express gives some guidance and the possiblity to create or select an existing AD Application while in Advance we can write in the values needed, the AAD Application clientid and the issuer, normaly{tenantguid}/ followed by the tenat guid URL. In this setup we will use the Express option and create a new AD Application.
Here we can choose to use an existing AD Application or create a new one, I will create a new one named ProtectedAppAAD.
After this is installed we can now save and test that the API is protected. If you open a new browser or log out from the account you should be forced to login and the site is now secured.
So now the site is securely protected and we can access it when logged in, now we need to be able to access the API via API Managamenet.
So the API is now protected and we need to provide a way for API Management to access it, we will need to use another AAD Application (App Registration) and provide access to the ProtectedAppAAD. So we need to create a new Application, named APIManagementAADApp, the sign in URL can be http://localhost.
After the AAD application is created we need to provide access to the ProtectedAppAAD this is done via permissions; to assign permissions go to Settings, press Required Permissions and Add.
Under Select an API we need to search for ProtectedAppAAD since first the list only shows Microsoft Standard API’s. Enter the ProtectedAppAAD in the text box and press Select.
Now we need to select the permission and the one we want is Access, select it and press Select, finish the setup by press Done.
Last step is pressing the Grant Permissions to enable the permissions (do not forget this!).
In order to be able to expose this API we need to get a token from AAD using the Application, this will be done inside a policy and luckily for us the API Management team has provided a set of code snippets at GitHub and one of these is doing exactly that, get it here.
There is more of them at the repository in GitHub and if you have a great snippet that you want to share you can add a Pull Request and if the team approves it. it will end up there. Here is the GitHub repository,
The Get OAuth2 access token from AAD snipet looks like this.
<!-- The policy defined in this file provides an example of using OAuth2 for authorization between the gateway and a backend. -->
<!-- It shows how to obtain an access token from AAD and forward it to the backend. -->
<!-- Send request to AAD to obtain a bearer token -->
<!-- Parameters: authorizationServer - format -->
<!-- Parameters: scope - a URI encoded scope value -->
<!-- Parameters: clientId - an id obtained during app registration -->
<!-- Parameters: clientSecret - a URL encoded secret, obtained during app registration -->
<!-- Copy the following snippet into the inbound section. -->
<base />
<send-request ignore-error="true" timeout="20" response-variable-name="bearerToken" mode="new">
<set-header name="Content-Type" exists-action="override">
return "client_id=&resource=&client_secret=&grant_type=client_credentials";
<set-header name="Authorization" exists-action="override">
@("Bearer " + (String)((IResponse)context.Variables["bearerToken"]).Body.As<JObject>()["access_token"])
<!-- Don't expose APIM subscription key to the backend. -->
<set-header exists-action="delete" name="Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key"/>
<base />
<base />
<base />
The way it works is that two things happen before we send the request to the backend.
But before we can add this snippet to our API we need to add a few values to the Named Values section in our API Management instance.
After adding these the Named Values section of our API Managemet will end up looking like this. Make sure to add these before adding the policy, since the policy canno be saved if the referenced Named Value dosen’t exist.
Now we just need to add the policy to our API and we will be able to access the protected API, after the Policy is saved test it and you should now recieve the result from the API.
Todays solutions almost always accesses other resurces and when building this landscape we need to make sure that all parts are protected and secure, often even we need to combine a few of them to be compliant with requirments from customers. In this post I showed how to use one of the built in security from Web Apps with AAD that can be used standalone or as an extra layer of security above the “standard” Basic, Oauth, API keys, Certificates etc. authentications. Another benefit is that is not part of the code so it’s not possible to “forgett” or accidently removed in a bug fix or similar.
As a bonus the API Management Snippets is a really nice initiative with pre created advanced snippets so make sure to check this out.
Posted in: •API Management | Tagged: | API Management | Integration | Security